Thursday, May 10, 2012

Andrew Graduates with his MBA!

I am so proud of Andrew! The last 2 years he has been working full time and doing his MBA classes every weekend. All of his hard work has finally paid off! Congratulations babe!
Hooray- party time!

McCartney enjoyed the snacks while watching the graduation ceremony.

It's really hard to get decent pictures with this lighting without being super close...

First graduation MBA cohort at UVU!

President Mathew Holland with Andrew after graduation.

So proud of my husband!

Young Family

For this last picture we thought it appropriate to be taken where Andrew and I first met - the UVU free parking shuttle stop. This is where our family first began and now we are graduating!

Post Surgery

It took a couple of days but McCartney is finally back to herself and she doesn't seem to mind the cast at all!

McCartney's Surgery 4/18/12

McCartney had surgery and Primary Childrens Hospital April 18th, 2012. Dr. Hutchinson is the hand specialist who performed the surgery. It was a very emotional day for us.
We loved everything about our little girl from the moment we saw her. We even loved her extra little thumb and as weird as it sounds we will miss it.

In the pre-surgery room getting our gown and tags on.

Waiting to meet with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist.

After the surgery McCartney was very groggy. I got to go back and feed her while she woke up from the anesthesia and she was not a happy camper! When I arrived she was already waking up and there were 5 nurses trying to calm her down with bottles and pacifiers. I guess she just needed her mommy:)

Our new pink and purple cast!

Leaving the hospital!
It took about 24 hours for the anesthesia and all the pain medication to wear off. Then we were dependent on a steady stream of Tylenol and Motrin. After a couple of days though the pain died down and McCartney was back to her normal happy self:)

Pre-Surgery Family Pictures

Tomorrow we are scheduled to have McCartney's hand surgery. As many of you know McCartney was born with two thumbs on her left hand. Both thumbs have bone and ligaments so it was kind of a complicated surgery. There is only one doctor in the whole state who has ever done the surgery before and we found him at Primary Children Medical Center in Salt Lake City. My mom flew into town to help out and we took these pictures:
The whole family:)

Andrew is teaching McCartney the 

We love listening to daddy play his ukulele and sing songs.

Hawaii March 9-19th 2012

It has been so long since we posted anything! A lot has happened in these past few months....

For starters we went to Hawaii on vacation! We wanted to go before McCartney had her surgery so we just up and went!

McCartney loves swimming in the warm pool


We went on a hike to waterfall and uncle Andrew and Nolan carried McCartney.

Bamboo forest

We had a nice little cove right outside out condo that we spent a lot of time at, McCartney wasn't too sure about the sand-it sticks to everything!

McCartney loves sunglasses:)

G-pa feed her lots of pineapple and big girl food.
 The new Disneyland resort just opened up next door so went over to check it out and look who we ran into!