Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Leaves:)

Today we went to the park to take pictures in leaves. The fall colors are beautiful right now....
McCartney wasn't too happy about taking pictures-she just wanted to sleep

Long Eyelashes:)

Stay Tuned in for pumpkin pictures soon!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

McCartney 10/20/11

I am posting some more pictures!
R2 loves playing with McCartney's toys:)

R2 loves McCartney. He is constanly watching her and checking on her. If we (Andrew and I) are upstairs R2 will stay laying next to her to make sure she is okay. When we come home from an outing first thing R2 does is greet and check on McCartney. They are a cute to watch:)
R2 and McCartney watching TV together

We took some pictures today 10/20/11. McCartney is 7 weeks old! She is growing way too fast. She has started smiling a lot (especially in the mornings when she first wakes up) and she has started making funny baby sounds trying to talk. She loves to talk with her daddy.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Park City Trip

My parents came out to meet McCartney and they stayed at the Waldorf Astoria in Park City for a couple of days. The hotel was super nice and we loved visiting. The boys went mountain bike riding in the morning and then we all went swimming that afternoon. McCartney looked very cute in her little bathing suit.

McCartney Elise Young

August 31, 2011
Baby McCartney is here! Born 9:11am 19.5 inches long 7 lbs. 14 oz. She is a very happy healthy
baby. I was supposed to be induced at 6:00 am but McCartney decided she wanted to come on her own terms. So my water broke at 2:30am and contractions began....

We arrived at Orem Community Hospital at 3:30 am. I received an epidural at 6:00am and shortly later our beautiful little girl arrived:) The delivery went very quickly and both McCartney and I handled it very well. Here are some pictures taken at Fotofly studios when McCartney was 3 days old.